…awakens us to our own value, capacity, and responsibility.

We respond by showing up and faithfully attending to the presence of God and others with who we are, where we are.


…reveals the dignity of all people, created in God’s image. 

We respond by following Jesus in coming alongside, suffering with, and offering hope to others through their unique experiences of life.


. . . moves us from scarcity and fear to gratitude and trust.

We respond with worship, hospitality, and joyful sharing of our gifts, skills, energy, and resources.


Leadership at Cap is a shared reality based on relational trust and dependence on God.

Our Governance Team guide and steward our identity, and our pastoral staff lead and equip us toward our vision, but our community embodies and drives our direction.

Kim Pierrot

Lead Pastor

Todd Wiebe

Teaching Pastor

Andrea Perrett

Associate Pastor

Janine Coxford

Youth Ministry Lead

Keith Williams


Amanda Mina

Executive Assistant

Suzanne Paterson

Sunday Hospitality

Mikaila Strilchuk

CapKids Team Lead

Todd McGillivray

Care Home Facilitator

Cathy Adams


Lynne Westwood-Smith

Prayer + Care

Andrew Chong

Worship Lead | Coordinator

Allie Berry

Youth Volunteer Associate

Clayton Coxford

Youth Volunteer Associate

Dave Strilchuk

Sunday Technical Crew

Governance Team

Kim Pierrot

Lead Pastor

Barbara Atkins


Lydia Forssander-Song

Matthew Lee

Robbie Ohlhauser

Barrett Sprowson


God's Story

God is Love. From the beginning, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have existed in relationship and completeness. This generous three-in-one God chose to share their communal Life by creating a good and beautiful world that included human beings made in God’s image. Despite all the ways in which we as human beings have broken connection with God, others, our selves, and creation – Grace has persisted. God has been and continues to be personally and faithfully present by the Holy Spirit, actively working to restore connection and wholeness to our lives and world. As revealed in the Biblical story, the center of this redemptive work is God with us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the full and real embodiment of a God who is with us, for us, and in us – calling us by name and inviting us to participate in God’s vision of re-connection for the world. In Christ, God’s desire will one day culminate in a restored people in a renewed heaven and earth.

Our Story

At Cap Church, we find ourselves in continuity and unity with those who have responded in faith to this incredible story of God’s Grace. Throughout our over 40-year history, God’s faithfulness has been revealed in the midst of our messy and very human lives. Through the ups and downs of life in community, we have found forgiveness, transformation, and our ultimate source of flourishing in the grace that God offers us through Jesus. We are a unique collection of characters from a variety of backgrounds, but we find unity in the vision of a compassionate, loving God who is restoring connection to the world and making all things new.

The culmination of this vision is captured in Revelation 21:3-5, in which the writer catches a glimpse of a new heaven and a new earth and hears a loud voice from the throne declaring:

‘Look! God’s dwelling-place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death” or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’ He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’

The Story Continues

Captivated by this vision, we hear an invitation to be attentive to God’s faithful presence, to participate in God’s creative and restorative work in all spheres of life, and to invite others to join in with us. We want to faithfully offer ourselves as a loving presence in all the places we inhabit, seeking to follow Christ with passion and embrace our neighbor with compassion. Sharing God’s special concern for the least, last, lost, little, and lonely, we recognize ourselves in these descriptions and commit to journeying with each other in the midst of our weakness and brokenness. We see hints of the in-breaking of God’s kingdom now, and embrace the tension of not-yet experiencing God’s Kingdom fully come.

How we Got Here

Our community has always wrestled with how to be rooted in God’s story in a way that is relevant and truthfully engaged with the realities of our society and world. In this, our ultimate guide is God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and we discern and submit to God’s voice in a number of ways. Our beliefs are shaped by a dynamic, ongoing conversation between the Bible, Christian tradition, reason and experience. We believe all four to be vital gifts of God, and that none can function as an authority on their own. Our bias has been to prioritize the Bible, but we acknowledge that even our interpretation of scripture relies heavily on the other three sources as well. We will never claim to have it all figured out, but we will strive to live deeply and courageously from the convictions that have been formed in us through faithful discernment of God’s presence, compassion, and generosity.


LGBTQ2S+ Inclusion + Partication

We believe people of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations are made in the image of God and we lovingly welcome all LGBTQ2S+ people into full participation in the life, ministry and leadership of our church.

We recognize that some have different interpretations of Scripture related to this matter and so, as with many other topics in our community, we see these differences as opportunities to learn how to love one another well, even when we don’t agree. Agreement with CapChurch’s posture of LGBTQ2S+ inclusion is not required to belong to our church; however at Cap we commit to love and respect the dignity of all who participate, regardless of who they are, who they love or how much faith they have.