If you are interested in joining Kim and others in a Lenten practice this year…
Many of you may remember the beautiful film “Godspeed” we watched as a church over a year ago. A sequel to the film is the devotional book “Backyard Pilgrim: Forty Days at Godspeed”, written by Matt Canlis in response to the comment he often heard from people who had just watched his film: “I wish I could move to Scotland.”
Matt’s message in the film and in this book is that God can be found in our neighbourhoods and in in our backyard—there is already holy ground beneath our feet. We simply need to learn how to be present.
The book invites us into a 15-minute practice for 40 days—which consists of reading one Bible verse and then walking the same route near our work or home each day. I (Kim Pierrot) want to make this my practice for Lent which starts February 26… anyone else want to join me?
Click here if so, and we will order you a book which should arrive in about a week’s time.
Once Lent begins, we will meet a few times between now and Easter to check in and see how it’s going. For more info on the book click here.