Learning Opportunity on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Consider joining Cappers for this learning opportunity…

How will you observe this day?

Thursday, September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a day set aside for us to remember the painful legacy of residential schools in Canada, to acknowledge the ongoing impact of the forced assimilation and abuse that took place in them, and to move forward in the work of reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada.

This day carries a particular weight for us as Christians, since the institutional church was complicit with the Canadian government in creating these “schools.” At CapChurch, we are seeking to become more informed about these issues, and to find ways to be in good relationship with the people the wider Church has harmed.  

On September 30, from noon to 1 pm, Pastor Kim Pierrot and staff invite you to join in a free, online learning opportunity with our Jodi Spargur,  founder of Healing at the Wounding Place.

Attendance is free.  

Pre-Registration is Required: Click here