Five for Thriving: Mental Health

A study identified five activities have been found to lead to increased overall well-being. . .

Mental Health Month at Cap . . .

We are in the midst of a special series for Cap’s annual Mental Health Month. A 2008 scientific study conducted in the UK found five activities leading to increased overall well-being: taking notice, connecting, learning, being active, giving.

This study has been receiving renewed interest in the midst of our experience of the pandemic. These five simple practices remind us that God created human beings with minds, bodies, hearts, a desire to be in relationship, and a desire to offer something to others.

We are inviting you to take 15 minutes a day until Easter to incorporate one or more of these practices into your everyday life as a way to greater spiritual, psychological and relational wholeness. Each week we will highlight a different practice in conversation with Scripture and other Cappers. 

Series Outline:

February 21   Video Resource: “Noticing”

Noticing Resources

February 28   Morning Zoom Service: “Connecting”

Connecting Resources

March 7    Video Resource: “Moving”

Moving Resources

March 14   Morning Zoom Service: “Learning”

March 21    Video Resource: “Giving”

March 28   Morning Zoom Service