October/November Sunday Series

2 Corinthians is a letter that calls us to live with different priorities, a different posture…

This October and November . . .

2 Corinthians is a letter that calls us to live with different priorities, with a different posture, and by a different measure of success than the world around us.

It is also considered the most personal and painful of Paul’s letters as he tries to embody in his troubled relationship with the people of Corinth the very reconciliation that is at the heart of the gospel.

Join us this fall as we explore the big themes of 2 Corinthians, with a view to learning how to follow Jesus in the way of weakness.

October 13

In this introduction to the series, Kim gives the backstory of Paul’s letter and shares personally from her own journey in the way of weakness.

October 20

Kim shares from 2 Corinthians 5 and invites us to consider God’s invitation to be reconciled and made whole and to join in as ministers of re-connection in our world.

October 27

Rod unpacks 2 Corinthians 4, including the image of “Treasure in Jars of Clay”, inviting us to live a Christian life consistent with the life of Jesus.

November 3

Kim interviews Janine Coxford, offering us a window into the lives of Cap’s high school youth, her own struggles to embrace weakness, and the temptation we all experience to “armour up”.

November 10

Jenn speaks on 2 Corinthians 1, inviting us to experience the comfort of God and sharing different ways that friends and family members experience God’s compassion in their lives.

November 17

Rod continues our “Weakness is the Way” Series, unpacking the way of generosity in 2 Corinthians 9 and exploring how often the last part of us to be converted is our wallets.

November 24

Kim wrestles with the tension of weakness and suffering and explores how the apostle Paul defends the gospel and his own leadership in a very surprising way.

December 1

Kim invites four Cap creatives to help us wrap up our “Weakness is the Way” series through their art pieces offered in response to the book of 2 Corinthians.

Art below by Nancy, Lynda, and Bev. Song by Matt on the recording.