Praying these 14 WORDS

“Your Kingdom Come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Only fourteen words!

Cap Lenten Journey Week Two

“Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done”

Note that we pray, ‘Your kingdom COME.’ The kingdom isn’t here, it’s not yet in its fullness. We are able to be honest about all the ways in which this world is not the kingdom of God, and to hope for more — because we know that God’s will has yet to be done, God’s kingdom has yet to come.

We are able to live without despair in the world’s present situation because even in us, God has claimed a bit of enemy territory, He has wrestled something from the forces of evil and death. That reclaimed, renovated territory is us. (Adapted from Stanley Hauerwas and William Wilimon; Lord, Teach Us)

Artist’s Statement: This makes me think of the sadness and pain in our world, and how we need God’s Kingdom here on earth now! This bench reminds me that God is with us today — and throughout eternity. 


by Roger Hardy

“Your Kingdom Come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Only fourteen words!  
Thank you, Jesus for The Lord’s prayer, and this verse which has inspired people of all generations.  
Lord, we call out to You, “Your Kingdom come.” May Your Kingdom Come and overpower the darkness of our world.  
Lord, our challenges are countless and ones that only You can manage. As your Kingdom comes, help us walk in step with its coming. Fill us with your love, peace, and joy. May we be an expression to our world of your character. Luke 17:21, Rom 14:17. 

“Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” How desperate we are, Oh God, for you to intervene in our world.  
I need to pray, to focus, to move my heart toward your heart, Lord Jesus. I pray remembering that you are my Loving Father, the creator of all things, the architect of this amazing universe. You are the one who knew me before the marking of time. Thank you, Father, for loving me, for saving me. My future is in your hands. So be it. Amen and Amen.  


At Cap we often talk about living in the gap between the “now” and the “not-yet.” In your prayers this week, be honest with God about the “not yet” places in your world, country, province, neighbourhood, workplace, or family where the Kingdom of God is not yet fully realized. Also, invite God’s kingdom to come into those places and allow part of your prayer to be a holy imagining of what the inbreaking of God’s kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven” might look like.