Small Church April 14, 2024

Conversation Guide for April 14, 2024

Becoming Present to God

While lighting a candle to remind you of God’s Presence, have someone read the candle prayer:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You have called us out of darkness into light.
Open our eyes to your presence,
Open our ears to your call,
Open our hearts to your love.


Becoming Present to One Another

Share a consolation (what you are most grateful for) and desolation (what you are least grateful for) from the past week.

As an introductory question, answer:

How have you seen physical healing portrayed in popular culture (movies, tv, etc.)?

In Conversation with the Word

Read Scripture

Read Acts 3:1-10

Watch the Video


  1. What generally do you believe about miraculous physical healing?
  2. Give one or two initial thoughts about this passage of scripture?
  3. What do you make of the fact that in the text there is no mention of Peter and John trying to convert this man?
  4. How is this passage a reflection of the early formation of the church? That is, how does it reflect our hopeful call of faith in Jesus being lived out in the world?
  5. Noting that the response to the healing was amazement; How might we wrongly apply this as a church? What kind of miracle, mystery or authority might we seek for our own sake? How are people still amazed by Jesus?
  6. How do you believe that each person is called to reflect the self-giving love of Jesus? What might some variations of this same call look like in light of our hope that in Jesus all things will be renewed?
Prayer and Blessing

As according to your particular small church practice, spend some time in prayer for one another and for the world.

Close with someone reading the blessing over you all as the candle is blown out.

May the Father of many resting places grant you rest;
May the Christ who stilled the storm grant you calm;
May the Spirit who fills all things grant you peace.
God’s light be your light,
God’s love be your love,
God’s way be your way.