Small Church April 23, 2023

Conversation Guide for Sunday April 23, 2023

Opener (Pick One)

Check in with a comfort and a challenge from this past week.

  • What did you find relaxing, even unexpectedly so?
  • Where did you face unanticipated challenge?
Third Sunday of Easter: Resurrection Life
Read John 21:1-3 aloud

John 21 recounts an appearance of Jesus to the disciples after his resurrection. He has alreadyappeared to them, but before this appearance, the disciples seem not to know what to do. Peter goes back to fishing, and proves about as successful as before he met Jesus. 

Only read verses 1-3 as the rest of the story is too fantastic to consider only briefly.  

Consider the following:
  • Why is it hard to determine what difference the resurrection of Jesus might mean in our lives? 
  • What parallels to Peter’s decision to simply go back to fishing are possible in how we live? 


Similar to last week, we take up a practice from “Pray as You Go”. 

Listen HERE.

Discussion Questions

The scripture reading for today follows on from the disciples’ experience at Pentecost. 
Inspired by the gift of the Holy Spirit, Peter finds the courage, in his role as leader, surrounded by the eleven, to begin proclaiming the message about who Jesus of Nazareth really was. 

  • Can you picture yourself in this scene? As a follower, a visitor to the city, or a witness to some of the events that have taken place. 
  • Can you sense the change that has happened in Peter and the fellowship after Pentecost?
  • What is your response to this? 

Peter shares the Good News – the Gospel – with those willing to listen. He weaves together his own experience of Jesus with the prophecies of the Old Testament. He reminds them of recent events; events they may have witnessed themselves. In his retelling, he is honest but does not condemn. 

  • How do you respond to Peter’s account of what has taken place?
  • Does it fit with your understanding? 
  • Can you imagine if this was the first time you had heard of Jesus? How would this witness make you feel? 

As we listen to Peter’s final statement again, consider the words: ‘Now all of us are witnesses’.
What could this mean for you? 

  • Can you picture yourself in this scene? As a follower, a visitor to the city, or a witness to some of the events that have taken place. 
  •  Can you sense the change that has happened in Peter and the fellowship?