Small Church February 18, 2024

Conversation Guide for February 18, 2024

Becoming Present to God

While lighting a candle to remind you of God’s Presence, have someone read the candle prayer:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You have called us out of darkness into light.
Open our eyes to your presence,
Open our ears to your call,
Open our hearts to your love.


Becoming Present to One Another

Share a consolation (what you are most grateful for) and desolation (what you are least grateful for) from the past week.

What are some of your “favourite things”?

In Conversation with the Word
Read Mark 10:17-31

Watch the video:

Conversation Starters (Pick a few)

  • Re-read today’s Scripture in light of Kim’s comments. What stands out to you this time?
  • Why do you think Jesus resists being called good?
  • What words would you use to describe what Jesus thinks this man lacks?
  • Do you think Jesus loved this man because of all the ways he kept the commandments? Because Jesus felt pity for him? Or—what other possibilities exist?
  • Does the literal translation of having many ‘possessions’ (instead of having wealth) make a difference in how you hear the story?
  • Do you see a relationship between having wealth/many possessions and self-sufficiency/independence?
  • Do you think the distinction between the man’s desire to have ‘eternal life’, and Jesus’ emphasis on the Kingdom of God is significant?
  • What do you imagine the man does next?
Prayer and Blessing

If there is time an inclination, pray for one another in the places where you want God to act in power, or ask one person to pray for the group.

Close with someone reading the blessing over you all as the candle is blown out.

May the Father of many resting places grant you rest;
May the Christ who stilled the storm grant you calm;
May the Spirit who fills all things grant you peace.
God’s light be your light,
God’s love be your love,
God’s way be your way.