Small Church June 2, 2024

Conversation Guide for June 16, 2024

*Please note there is no teaching video today. This is your last official Small Church gathering until September, though some of you may continue to meet in some form this summer.

The purpose of your time together today:
  • To express gratitude for how you experienced God’s goodness this year
  • To reflect on new possibilities
  • To bless one another
Becoming Present to God

While lighting a candle to remind you of God’s Presence, have someone read the candle prayer:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You have called us out of darkness into light.
Open our eyes to your presence,
Open our ears to your call,
Open our hearts to your love.


Expressing Gratitude
  1. Looking back on this year with your Small Church, what aspect/moments have you been most grateful for?
  2. What part of God’s character do you think you learned more about/uniquely experienced together this year? 
Reflecting on New Possibilities
  1. Will your small church continue in its present form in September? If so, does anything need to change? Do you want to try anything new/invite in anyone new?
  2. At a recent Small Church Leaders meeting, Kim mentioned that this fall, she would like each Small Church to consider adopting a particular way to actively explore/embody God’s love. No need to make any decisions now, but start talking, thinking and praying about what your group might want to do this fall, with a particular view to finding something that reflects the interests and passions of your Small Church. It doesn’t need to be a ‘project’, or even be overtly ‘Christian’—there are any number of ways to practice God’s shalom in the world. Ideally you will find ways to learn/serve/explore something all year long, and occasionally invite others from the wider church to join in.

Some ideas:

First Nations and Reconciliation

Learning more about walking the road of reconciliation with First Nations through watching movies or reading books together, attending a workshop, participating in a service project, supporting our friends in Gitsegukla, attending a First Nations craft sale…

Creation Care

Learning more about caring for God’s Creation through watching movies or reading books together, attending a workshop, doing a neighbourhood garbage walk, doing an ivy pull, volunteering at an animal shelter…

Low-Cost Housing Advocacy 

Become informed about what is being done to create housing for the vulnerable in our community. Attend meetings, write letters…

Supporting the work of a local non-profit

Coming alongside ministries like the Harvest, Lookout Shelter, Youth Unlimited, Shelter to Home and finding out what some practical helps/ongoing needs might be…

These are only a few examples to get your minds going. 

3. Please remind everyone we would like feedback asap on the possibility of a fall church retreat—info in the blast this week with a link to a survey we would like folks to complete…you could even just fill out the survey on behalf of your whole group if you wanted.

Blessing One Another

As you began with expressing gratitude for your small church, you may conclude with speaking words of gratitude and blessing over the individuals that comprise your group. John O’Donohue says: “When a blessing is being invoked, time deepens until it becomes a source from which refreshment and encouragement are released.”

  • Who in the group are you grateful for and why?
  • What particular characteristics of Jesus are evident in particular people in your group?

As one person reads the final blessing, let it be something you all offer and receive from one another as the candle is blown out.

May the Father of many resting places grant you rest;
May the Christ who stilled the storm grant you calm;
May the Spirit who fills all things grant you peace.
God’s light be your light,
God’s love be your love,
God’s way be your way.