Small Church October 23



  • Share a consolation and desolation from the past week.
  • Talk about the three spiritual practices linked to our core values (Presence, Compassion, Generosity) Kim has invited the community to be formed by this year. Have you been practicing any recently? What was it like?
  • Share a little or big example of being dependent on another person recently.


Before watching the video, read Acts 9:1-28, paying particular attention to the number of people involved (named and unnamed), each with a role in the story.



Pick a few:

  • Who and/or what is the Spirit transforming here? List all the many changes in people/circumstances/relationships/categories you notice.
  • Willie Jennings observes that throughout the book of Acts, we see the Holy Spirit asking someone to do something they don’t want to do. How many examples can you find in this story?
  • If you are Ananias, who might be a “Saul” for you? What person/type of person would it feel risky/uncomfortable to engage with, to call “brother”?
  • Is there someone in your life you have been or could imagine being a “Barnabas” to—a bridge, an encourager, an includer?
  • Kim says in the video: “God interrupts and disrupts our lives, exposes our blind spots, creates vulnerability, interdependence and pushes us towards the unlikely other.” How might God be doing this in your life/our lives as a church right now?