Given the prevalence of isolation, fragmentation and disconnection in our lives and culture…
We are meant to live as people who are deeply connected to God, self, one another, and creation. But how do we do this? What makes it so hard? What makes it possible?
In our fall kick-off series, we engaged these questions while considering some of the ways in which our lives, communities, and world are marked with loneliness and fragmentation.
September 8
In this Introduction to the series, Pastor Kim Pierrot shares from Mark 5 on how the presence and activity of Jesus brings re-connection and restores wholeness.
September 15
In this message, Pastor Kim Pierrot shares from Ephesians 2, exploring what re-connection looks like for us, in the here and now.
September 22
In this message, John Colpitts shares how Jesus cultivated intimate, personal, social, and public belonging – allowing himself and others to know and be known, love and be loved.
September 29
In this message, Rod Wilson addresses timely issues of environmental disconnection and makes a Biblical case for Christians to be leading the way when it comes to creation care.