Finance Committee Update

Another year is almost in the books, and its been another “different” year for us…

CapChurch Financial Update

Another year is almost in the books, and its been another “different” year for us a church. You have not heard much from me over the past 18 months as we have been doing well financially. Between reduced expenses (no rent to be paid to Mulgrave), and Covid government support payments, we found ourselves with a consistent surplus that we re-directed to a number of other charities last year.

This year started similar to last, but since September we have rent payments to Hillside, our support of the Circle of Care Home is in full swing, and the Covid support has completed. Therefore, with an increase in expenses and no more government support, it is again on us as a community to refocus our financial support of our church budget.

Cathy has completed some early projections for 2021 and at this time they show us just below the break-even point. Our giving over the past 18 months had declined a material amount, but this was offset by the government support, and I was not too concerned because as a community we have always rallied when financial needs presented themselves. Which brings me to my note this week.

Financially, as we begin to find our “new normal,” I would ask us all to keep Cap Church in mind. Whether you choose to support us monthly, or with sporadic donations, it all helps us continue the programs we have set in place as a church, and it also allows us to financially support the community programs we feel called to support … like the Circle of Care Home.

Cathy Adams

Should you have any questions about our budget and/or need help with making contributions to Cap Church, please reach out to me ( or Cathy Adams (   You can leave a message on our CapChurch line 604.980.8997 and one of us will get back to you.

Bryson Milley

In the meantime, I hope you are successful at staying dry this week and we will keep in touch. (Bryson Milley; Chair, Cap Church Finance Committee)