Small Church November 26, 2023

Conversation Guide for November 26, 2023

Today is known as Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday before we begin the season of Advent. 

Becoming Present to God

While lighting a candle to remind you of God’s Presence, have someone read the candle prayer:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You have called us out of darkness into light.
Open our eyes to your presence,
Open our ears to your call,
Open our hearts to your love.


Spend some time thanking God for the day, for what comes to mind in gratitude in your life and in the world. Notice what is around you, what you see, and hear – offer up thanksgiving.

Becoming Present to One Another

Share a consolation (what you are most grateful for) and desolation (what you are least grateful for) from the past week.

In Conversation with the Word

Watch the video:

Read Scriptures

2 Kings 22:1-10 (or 1-20) and 2 Kings 23:1-3

Conversation Starters (Pick a few)

    • How do these passages of the Bible sound to you? What kinds of impressions do they make?
    • What do you think of the “good king/bad king” pattern in this part of the Bible? Does it say anything about the nature of leadership then and now?
    • What do you think of the story of providing for the workers in chapter 22 vs. 3-7? Are there social and cultural concepts at play in the story that resonate today? How so?
    • How might this passage give us hope in times of social and political turmoil? Do we have hope that things can get better? What does it mean that Christians are to be characterized by hope?
    • Today is “Christ the King Sunday” in many Christian traditions. How does the story of reform and renewal brought about by Josiah’s reign prefigure the larger hope and renewal that we celebrate at Christmas? 
Prayer and Blessing

If there is time and inclination, pray for one another, or ask one person to pray for the group.

Close with someone reading the blessing over you all as the candle is blown out.

May the Father of many resting places grant you rest;
May the Christ who stilled the storm grant you calm;
May the Spirit who fills all things grant you peace.
God’s light be your light,
God’s love be your love,
God’s way be your way.