Small Church October 13, 2024

Conversation Guide for October 13, 2024

Becoming Present to God

While lighting a candle to remind you of God’s Presence, have someone read the candle prayer.



This Thanksgiving Sunday, not all Small Churches will be gathering. For those that do, Todd has recorded a short video with a reflection from Jeremiah. Blessings to each of you this long weekend.


A message from Todd, and a prayer for your Thanksgiving.

Blessing One Another

As one person reads the final blessing, let it be something you all offer and receive from one another as the candle is blown out.

This fall CapKids will be learning all about the Psalms in a series called “Make a Joyful Noise”. Click here to download the guide for this week or scroll down.


I was listening to a podcast this week and they were discussing an article from the New York Times about financial disparities within friendships. They discussed how difficult it is to navigate friendships in light of varied levels of financial success. The discussion then led into how families navigate this when it comes to sharing in life, vacations, etc. This can be a difficult thing to navigate, but what stuck out to me was actually the realization that it is easier to give than it is to receive. Even with something like money, it can be difficult to receive generosity from others; we feel undeserving or like we haven’t earned the generosity we are receiving. And yet, how good does it feel to witness the surprise on someone’s face when you pick up the bill or give the perfect unexpected gift? It is vulnerable to be the receiver, and sometimes we have to wade through some feelings of shame or embarrassment in the midst of receiving generosity from others. We are told and believe we need to take care of ourselves. However, what would it do for us if we were able to receive generosity from others graciously and joyfully, acknowledging that we have been cared for and provided for in an unexpected way? This applies also to our relationship with God, how we allow space for the Holy Spirit and take notice
of the ways God is at work. Part of the beauty in our relationship with God is being open to receive, to lean on and to bring our doubts and curiosities. Creation reminds me of this. In the midst of an insane rainfall, orange light fills the sky and as I take notice, it causes me to slow down, pause, and wonder. Then I see a beautiful rainbow so unexpectedly, and I giggle with my son as we joke about finding gold at the bottom of it. However in that moment I receive something I didn’t ask for or expect and I accept it with awe and delight. Receiving something without shame or guilt is so freeing, it feels like warmth, safety, and hope. God is an extravagant giver and we continue to find ourselves on the receiving end; what a beautiful and uncomfortable place we get to be in. I pray you can find opportunities to practice receiving as well as giving this Thanksgiving.

-Janine Coxford

Thanksgiving Prayer

Jesus, help us to be more like you. When we eat
help us to remember that You are near.
When we share meals with friends and
family, help us to celebrate the ways we are
alike and the ways we are different. Help
us to be generous with others and to be
grateful when others are generous with us.
Thank you for giving us what we need
for each day. We love You, Jesus. Amen.

From “Every Sacred Season” by Kayla Craig

Psalm 104 

or read from a book from the list below

Song of Creation from The Peace Table Bible

Praise the Lord, O my soul!
God, you are very great!
You wear light like a majestic coat.
The heavens are like a tent
The clouds are your chariot.

You send water rushing down into the valleys,
giving drink to every animal.
The birds sing by the streams.
You make grass grow for animals to eat.
The earth brings forth food for people.

Birds build their nests in the trees you made.
The stork has a home in the fir tree.
The mountains are for the wild goats.
The rabbits hide safely among the rocks.

You made the sun, the moon, and the darkness.
Animals come creeping out at night.
The lions roar, needing food from you.
People go out to work until evening.

How wonderful are your works, O Lord!
The earth is full of your creatures.
Everything on earth looks to you for food.
When you open your hand,
all creatures are filled with good things.
When you take away their breath,
they return to the dust

May your glory last forever!
I will sing to you my whole life.
As long as I live, I will praise you.
You are very great!
Praise the Lord!

Psalm 104 from Psalms for Young Children

I praise you, God!
You are like a marvelous king
who wears beautiful, bright robes!
You make the water run in rivers,
And the animals come for a drink.
You make the plants grow,
And we have food to eat.
You open your hands and give us
Everything we need.
God is my shepherd.
He leads me in the right direction. And even if I
have to walk in a dark place,
I am not scared.
I know nothing will hurt me if I walk with God!

Prayer Activity

Praise God for creation. Name animals, birds, insects, and plants in your prayer. If you enjoy drawing, make a creation picture that includes your favourite things.

Book Resources

CapKids Playlist

Looking for some music to enjoy with your kids? Check out this curated playlist that Janine and Mikaila have put together. Each week they’ll be adding more songs to the list.