Share a consolation/desolation from your week.
Watch this video with Kim and Todd introducing the concept of pathos.
Read Jeremiah 9:1-3
What is Jeremiah feeling? Why?
There are two desires mentioned by Jeremiah in these few verses, what are they?
How are these two things felt today? What does it mean to want to weep because of the circumstance of other people? (This is an example of pathos)
How is the second desire an expression of being overwhelmed?
How do we feel similar things today?
How does this demonstrate a different idea of what a prophet was?
Consider listening/watching this song by Johnny Cash
Abraham Heschel notes that
We see in Jer 9:1-3 that Jeremiah feels pathos.
This fall CapKids will be learning all about the Psalms in a series called “Make a Joyful Noise”. Click here to download the guide for this week or scroll down.
A Psalm of David
The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that
I need.
The Shepherd brings me to green fields,
and leads me by quiet waters,
The Shepherd gives life to my soul,
and leads me in the right paths.
Even when I go through the darkest
I am not afraid,
For the Shepherd is with me,
with a rod and staff to protect me.
The Lord prepares a feast for me
as my enemies watch nearby.
The Lord anoints my head with oil,
my cup overflows.
Goodness and love will follow me,
every day of my life.
I will live in the Lord’s house all my
God is my shepherd.
He leads me in the right direction. And
even if I have to walk in a dark place,
I am not scared.
I know nothing will hurt me if I walk with
(Psalm 23 from Psalms for Young Children)
Express your prayer through art. Draw green fields, water, and a valley. In the fields and water draw things that make you feel happy and peaceful. In the valley, draw things that worry or upset you.
Finish by saying “Amen!”
Looking for some music to enjoy with your kids? Check out this curated playlist that Janine and Mikaila have put together. Each week they’ll be adding more songs to the list.